Hard 8 Craps

3/26/2022by admin
  • Why do I gamble? It’s not for entertainment - though often it is entertaining. It's not so I can tip the dealers and show what a good sport I am. It’s not just a goal. It’s the only goal. The rest of it - the comps, the excitement, the roller-coaster thrill - is all secondary. I’m in the casino for one reason.
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman's most legendary role.July 23, 1967 - February 2, 2014; here's to never forgetting him.

Hardways, as well as the other bets located in the center of the craps table, are also known as proposition bets or sucker bets. One of the most popular hardway wagers is placing 4, 6, 8, or 10 and following up with one unit on the hard total. If a hardway comes up, you can expect a solid payout. A reputable online casino should Hard Eight Craps be licensed and regulated by an independent governing body. This means their games are regularly inspected to ensure they give players fair games. This means their games are regularly inspected to ensure they give players fair games.


I really enjoyed this movie. Probably the most accurate slice of craps culture presented in a film.
This movie was the first movie produced by Paul Thomas Anderson. He got good reviews on this movie, and went on to do the more popular Boogie Nights later.
But I think a lot of people missed this one. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. Very entertaining movie with some good actors in it.
The entire movie is currently viewable on You Tube until it gets disabled.

' target='_blank'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TefH2gu9-o
thx.. downloading it from youtube. the 480p version is only 280megs in size?
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)

Best Way To Throw Dice In Craps

I'm not sure, but I think Sydney bets the hard eight big like that for the attention it earns him not for the opportunity to win. At one point in the movie, he tells someone that it's a stupid bet.
Sydney isn't a big time craps gambler from my perspective. He's a former hit-man with a dark history and a desire to have a life where he cares for other people that care for him back.
The movie isn't about gambling. It's about the characters and the relationships between the characters. All relationships that are ultimately orchestrated by Sydney out of his desire to have a more normal life than what would be expected for a former hit-man.
I think the point of the movie is that money easily changes hands from one hand to another hand and the rules for how the money changes hands is not obvious at all.
Sydney get's his money from the finger snapper bet from a finger snapper. He just needs an extra level of indirection for the bet to pay off.
It's an allegory. Sidney's big bet on hard eight is like him investing himself in John and Clementine: a bad bet on a long shot that probably won't pay off, but might.
Here is another movie set in a gambling town. I like looking at old buildings and seeing the changes.
Edward Snowden is not the criminal, the government is for violating the constitution!

Here is another movie set in a gambling town. I like looking at old buildings and seeing the changes.

' target='_blank'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCkj3xOzPd8&NR=1&feature=endscreen
What opera is the opening music from?How
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

What opera is the opening music from?

Bellini's Norma

thanks, sounds worth better familiarity
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
Just finished the Atlantic City movie. The setting was a little bit depressing, really. But interesting flick.
I am still surprised that there are not more movies about Las Vegas. The Hangover did great, but there hasn't been a really big Las Vegas movie in a while now.
Since this topic is still near the topic, I thought I'd mention...

Hard Eight Craps Payout

I asked everyone I could, this weekend, at JANugget, if they knew about Hard Eight...only ONE guy (who's kind of an oddball anyway) VAGUELY remembered it...
and quite a few have worked there since the early 80's...apparently even when a movie comes to film, they have their head buried in the sand.
Gambling calls to me...like this ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nap37mNSmQ

Since this topic is still near the topic, I thought I'd mention...
I asked everyone I could, this weekend, at JANugget, if they knew about Hard Eight...only ONE guy (who's kind of an oddball anyway) VAGUELY remembered it...
and quite a few have worked there since the early 80's...apparently even when a movie comes to film, they have their head buried in the sand.

Hard 8 Craps

I only learned about this movie searching on You Tube for 'Hard 8.'
Not many people know about the film.

How To Shoot Craps Dice

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